
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Time is flying by and it’s already been 17 days in Costa Rica! There are some days I feel like I have the groove of the World Race life down, but I’m pretty convinced that’s not actually a thing on the WR. In hindsight, that’s what makes living life as ministry exciting, we are living our life to serve and be interruptable. Oftentimes, our plans for the day or ministry always look a tad different than expected but that’s part of the journey.

This week was one of those weeks. We were welcomed with the surprise that we would have a World Race Semsters team joining us. The World Race offers 1-3 month semester trips for ages 18-22. Within just a few days of them launching internationally, their ministry host fell through leaving them in Atlanta with nowhere to go. Our incredible ministry host didn’t think twice, offering to open her doors (and every single bed plus some) to allow this team to launch. 

We spent a few days prepping the house and bedrooms and on Tuesday our 19 new friends rolled up. We are now a big ole family of 52 living under one roof!

It’s been super sweet to be immersed in a community of brothers and sisters who love the Lord and are so intentional in their relationships. Our times spent cooking meals together or serving in the community are some of my favorite times of the day. They are the most encouraging and joyful souls.

At the same time, living in such a large community has its challenges. The few quiet spaces the house once had are gone making time alone more difficult. Our schedules have been adjusted to accommodate the many bodies functioning in the same space and our ministry plans have adapted. Thankfully, this is exactly what we stepped into when we said yes to the World Race. 

It has been a beautiful thing to see these two squads come together to serve this community. We are a mighty team of 52 when we take to the streets of Jaco. We are busy transforming the heart of Jaco and I can’t wait to show you what we are working on (blog coming in the next few days on this).

I was able to capture our new friends arriving on Tuesday, you can check out the video on my Youtube here: Feel free to like and subscribe over there (;

All my love, 



4 responses to “52 world racers living together in one house?!”

  1. Love the beauty of your heart, and to see the results of an open-handed, “yes” in your spirit!!